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School Board

Board Members

Charles J. Harrold

Board President


Matt Hertz

Vice President

Jason Gustafson

Board Member


Collin Lind

Board Member


Ben Zylstra

Board Member


Kevin Wood



Amy Hubbell

Board Secretary

Message From The Board

The Laurens-Marathon Community School District has a five member board of directors. Board members are elected for four year terms.  The board establishes policies and sets goals and objectives.


The board  meets on the second Monday of each month in the Media Center on the third floor of the school. The public is encouraged to attend regular meetings. The school board president and superintendent set the school board agenda. You can find  a copy of each agenda on this website as well as on the window of the lobby office 24 hours in advance. You can review a copy of the board materials at the meeting.


We welcome your ideas and questions. If you have a specific concern, the best place to begin is with those involved: the teacher or principal. Hopefully, your problem can be quickly resolved. If you still have questions, please contact the superintendent. If further action is then required, the board will be happy to hear your concerns.


We welcome visitors at our meetings. People may present comments, suggestions or concerns for two minutes per person even if the issue is not on the agenda. For the board to take action, however, an item must be on the agenda. To get a place on the agenda contact the board president, vice-president or superintendent. Please keep in mind  that Iowa law forbids the board from discussing specific employees at a public meeting.


We encourage your active participation in school affairs. Together we can have a strong community school.

Board Minutes

Meeting minutes are posted below and these minutes are informational only.  Official, signed copies are retained at the business office when approved at the next regular meeting.

© Copyright 2020 Laurens-Marathon Community School District


Partner School:


Contact Us

Office: (712) 841-5000

Fax: (712) 841-5010


300 W Garfield St.

Laurens, IA 50554

In cooperation with the Pocahontas Community School District the following career and technical programs are offered: Agriculture Education, Business Education, Health Occupation Education, and Family & Consumer Science Education.


It is the policy of the Laurens-Marathon Community School District to not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, sex, disability, religion, creed, age, martial status, sexual orientation, gender identity, or socioeconomic status in its programs, activities or employment practices. Questions or grievances related to this policy may be addressed to the district's Equity Coordinator, Dodie Wood,, Laurens-Marathon CSD, 300 W Garfield St, Laurens, IA 50554, 


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